Software Engineer and a Problem Solver

I create and develop RESTful APIs, beautiful website, web applications, and softwares i enjoy it.

laptop X coffee image

Hi, I'm Onyedikachi. Lovely to meet you.

I'm self-learner, able to work individually and as part of a team. I thrive on the success of delivering high-quality frontend products. I'm innovative, creative, a problem solver, and can think out of the box when it comes to designing and developing solutions. I have a thirst for continuous improvement in everything i do. As a self-taught, self established developer, i'm naturally curious, and perpetually working to improve and increase my knowledge and skills.

Frontend Development

With 2+ year experience, i've made projects on the listed languages, and still working to improve my skills

Languages I code:

HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Hooks, Next.js, JQuery, Bootstrap, SASS/SCSS

Dev Tools

  • VS Code
  • Github
  • React Query
  • Router-Dom
  • React Icons

Backend Engineering

With specialty in API developement and system design, i've been working with the listed frameworks and tools for 1+ years.

Framworks I use:

Node, Flask, Express

Dev Tools

  • Postman
  • VS Code
  • Github
  • CLI
  • Swagger Docs
  • Docker


With 1+ years experience in databases and servers.

Languages I use:

SQL, MongoDB

Dev Tools

  • Mongoose
  • sqlAlchemy
  • SqlDBMs
  • VS Code
  • Mongo Atlas

My Recent Works

Here are few projects I'm working. Want to see more? my github

ChatBot image

SeeFood - A resturant chatbot for ordering hotdogs and "not hotdogs" meal

Node • Express • • HTML • CSS

ChatBot image

Klinik - A hospital management system to manage the filing system and hospital activities of patients and staff

Flask • SQLite • React • Nginx • Ubuntu

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Blogging - A blog API, that handle user authentication and authorization, CRUD operation on blogs

Node • MongoDB • Express

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A cargo shipment start up, this is a mockup submitted for technical assessment.

React • CSS

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A web base clone of google phonebook with some functionalities.

React • Hooks • SCSS • Json-server

Roses Accessories logo

An E-comm UI for an accesories store.

HTML • jQuery • CSS • JavaScript

Photo by Oleg Magni from Pexels

A FreeCodeCamp project on technical documentation on Github use and set up.


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A FreeCodeCamp certification project for frontend developement

React • CSS

markdown editor

A FreeCodeCamp certificaton project for frontend developement.

React • CSS

See more on Codepen